“Our primary focus is on the product”, says Agostino Poletto, deputy general manager of Pitti Immagine, “with a selection of brands that best interpret the concept of research on elegance with previews, capsule collections and special projects developed to foster concrete business contacts. The Pitti W offer is increasingly broad; we are pursuing investments in vintage and the world of fragrance and it will all be featured in a totally revised setting - designed by Oliviero Baldini – that facilitates the dialogue between the products and various merchandise categories. As always, careful scouting and selection processes are what make Pitti W the ideal platform for preview presentations of innovative projects and brands with huge potential”.
After last season’s success, the Dogana show will once again include the dedicated “Vintage for Pitti W” section – produced in cooperation with A.N.G.E.L.O. Vintage Palace. A special setting will be the backdrop for a selection presented by some of the best in the vintage trade who will be showing their vintage couture, accessory, jewelry and signature scarf collections.
And Pitti W is also bringing back the special area called “Fragranze” with an outstanding array of scent and selective perfume brands – some of which are featured at the Fragranze event produced by Pitti Immagine – essential to the contemporary woman’s wardrobe and key lifestyle elements. Among the special projects at this edition there will also be the pret à porter brand .normaluisa that will bring a preview of thenew F/W collection and will present the “must have objects” for a woman.
The performance-event By Gentucca Bini
By Gentucca Bini is the new prêt à porter project that focuses on existing garments. Based on an idea by Gentucca Bini and realized by external producers, this project will be presented to the international public of buyers and members of the fashion trade at Pitti W. A preview and sartorial performance for ten garments – reinterpreted by the stylist - from top international fashion stores, whilst the stylists and dressmakers from By will customize the clothing of the guests in attendance.
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