
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pac-Man Lives!

Pac-Man Frog
The Pac-Man Frog!

Pac-Man FrogWhat is it about this most saffronly rotund of amphibians that makes them so interesting?

ceratophrys_auritaPerhaps it's their tendency to try to eat anything they can get their oversized mouths on.

Argentine_horned_frogThey are, in fact, so ready and willing to consume anything within biting distance that it is recommended that owners feed these frogs with spoons.

Pac-Man frogsPac-Man frogs will tend to bite anything that moves. Never use your bare hands when feeding to avoid bites, they are one of the few frogs that do have teeth. This one just ate a mouse!

Pac man frogPac man frogs are large, fat frogs, that seem to consist of two parts, a stomach and a mouth and appear to be designed solely to eat. Their latin name is: Ceratophrys ornata, and they are native to the tropical Rain forests of South America.

ornate_horned_frogThey are often very colorful, usually green with dark red to black markings along their back, females slightly larger than males. Usually round in shape, with a mouth disportionately larger than the body appearing to look like Pac-Man characters.

Giant_pixie_frogThis one, apparently, just put a bounty out on Han Solo.


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